Ferruccio Barreca Archaeological Museum

The “Ferruccio Barreca Archaeological Museum” (MAB) in Sant’Antioco preserves and exhibits a wide range of artifacts from the island of Sant’Antioco.

Most of the collection refers to the important urban settlement that arose on the eastern shores of the island at the beginning of the 8th century BC and known by the name of Sulky or Sulci, a port stronghold of the territorial district of southwestern Sardinia which, together with the metalliferous sector of Iglesiente, constitutes the sub-region of Sulcis-Iglesiente.

The museum itinerary follows a topographical and chronological criterion centered on the three main components of the urban settlement since its origins: the settlement, the necropolises, and the Tophet. The main topographical nuclei are divided into the three different exhibition halls: Hall 1 dedicated to settlement contexts, Hall 2 and Hall 3 to funerary contexts, respectively of the adult necropolises and the sanctuary with also funerary function of the Tophet.

Within the individual “topographical” nuclei, a chronological criterion has been followed, starting from the oldest finds and reaching the most recent.

Visit the MAB museum website.

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