The 2019 work season has just begun!

Welcome back to us! A new wonderful work season, with so much enthusiasm and joy to share with you!

Hello everyone! The 2019 work season has just begun!

Like every year, the new year brings new energy, new goals, new awareness and a renewed desire to give… yes, to give our smiles, our passion, our happiness, our kindness, and our proposals for a charming holiday!

Are you ready for all of this… and more?

Yes, we will be only a part of what you can take from your holiday in Calasetta!

Everything else is done by Mother Earth, who has been so generous down here… in this small corner of Sardinia, where you usually arrive at the end of a larger Sardinian adventure, and where you invariably leave your heart, which you come back to visit every year… as expressed by one of our beloved guests!!!

We’re almost there… Us, Mother Earth… only one small ingredient is missing… Your predisposition to HAPPINESS and letting go. Your desire to reclaim your inner child, the one who gets excited about every little thing, who wonders, who is curious, and who knows what you really need…

We, who were born and live in this enchanted place, know a little about what our most authentic part asks us to be happy…

Here, it’s easier than you might think: walking, running barefoot on the sand heated by the sun, swimming in a crystal clear sea, breathing in the salty air, and listening to the Maestrale that shakes and tousles your hair, but suggests important things if you let it… And the list is not yet complete: seeing the colors and scents of the flowers and low shrubs of the Mediterranean maquis, the most precious furnishings of our countryside and our cliffs; diving from the Sparrow’s Nest, and if you can do it, you’re really brave and skilled! Admiring and photographing the Mangiabarche Lighthouse from the dryness of the Saline, which attracts many people, especially in winter, when the sea with its immense waves envelops it with its power, without ever harming it! Sitting on the cliff at Mercureddu, and admiring the sea that stretches out of sight, where the sun at sunset seems to be sucked in, a spectacle of indescribable colors and magic.

My heart is filled with emotion in telling you all this, and 10 pages would not be enough to contain all that I could still list… So I decide to stop here, sure that I have opened a breach in your heart!

If all of this is what you need and are looking for, but not only this, then COME, we are waiting for you, ready to describe many other beautiful things and to leave a little piece of us in your heart!!!

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